

How did the journey got started by traveling in the air of the people of India…? In which, A man's passion is snatched from him in the name of patriotism and it goes through a massive rise to the massive downfall & After it makes its way to return to its parent company. We are talking about Air India, Palace in Sky.

First, we have to know, who was JRD Tata.

JRD Tata's full name was Jahangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata. He was born in Paris, France on 29th July 1904. He's a big enthusiast of Aircraft, and passionate to fly planes. His dream was to establish civil aviation in India. In 1903 First airplane had flown by Wright Brothers. After 8 years on 18th February 1911, the First airplane had flown in India at Allahabad by French pilot Henry Pequet and that flight was carrying Mails for Mahakumbh Mela. In 1929. JRD Tata took India's first aeronautics license. On 15th October 1932, JRD had flown the first aircraft of Air India from Karachi to Bombay. Tata converted its name from Tata Airlines to Air India. He also took part in a contest in which he flew an aircraft from India to England. So, that passion he kept to build his dream into real…

How did JRD Tata establish Air India in India?     

As his dream was to establish Civil Aviation in India, and he was trying to get permission, but at that time India is under British rule. So, many times he had given offers to the British government but they rejected them because the British Government thinks there are no chances to generate revenue or gain profits from it. And at that time  Dorabji Tata stands in support of JRD Tata for his idea…they said to British Government just give permission to fly aircraft and donate our services to you…and British Government agreed to it. Where Air India stepped into India by getting permission from Britishers. After getting the permissions first flight is taken off from Karachi to Bombay by carrying mails in it…And their Pilot was Mr. JRD Tata himself. In the same year, Domestic Flights also have been started for passengers…approx. 250rs was the rent of the flight from Bombay to Madras.

A year before independence Tata airlines was renamed Air India in 1946. By saying Pandit Nehru giving Air India to the government… was a deceitful decision to JRD Tata but he agreed to give 49% of the stake in the carrier by not having any intentions to give it to the government. During the same period, Air India international has been started…In 1953 government decided that the Airline sector would be nationalized…they merged 8 domestic airline companies into one and they named as Indian Airlines.   

Why Air India is called 'MAHARAJAH'?

Air India's mascot Maharajah was the face of the airline… Maharajah's mascot was conceptualized by Bobby Kooka (Commercial Director of Air India). Maharaja's attire has been designed for every country by keeping their civilization in mind…which represents that Air India takes their passengers everywhere on this Globe. According to this Air India is became a major representative of India. Air India's well known for its Art, Hospitality, and Service. Maharaja collection in which there are collectible items that have been manufactured by the top artists in the world. About 4000 artists including Jatin Das, Anjali Ela Menon, M.F Hussain, and U.S Gaitonde worked to make The Maharaja collection precious. These were the display access in the Offices of Air India, and the Calendar, Posters, and Menu Cards worth more than 8000 cr. The collection is done for over 60 years…In 1967 Air India commissioned Salvador Dali to make 500 Ash Trays for them and, in return, he demands a baby Elephant Air India fulfilled their demand by sending a baby Elephant from Bangalore to Geneva by Air India's flight itself.

How did 'MAHARAJAH' face a downfall?

In 2007 Air India & Indian Airlines raised the loss of Rs 541.30 crore and Rs 230.97 crore. Intake losses happened to the Company but internally the government had to battle the losses. The losses are increasing day by day, accordingly, the government decides to merge both the companies (Air India & Indian Airline) and though became National Aviation Company of India Ltd. (NACIL). The two companies which were merged and formed a new company are also facing several losses.

  • 10 reasons by which Air India faced a big downfall-
  • They acquired a fleet of Aircraft which cost around Rs 44000 crore. So, the expenses also get increased 
  • Pilots are going on strikes because they are not getting fair enough salaries.
  • By which the government had to face bigger revenue losses.
  • Revenue got lesser by the passengers because the passengers had other options to travel at that time.
  • So, they decided to start the flight to other regions to come out of the crisis. But they failed in that because the number of passengers was less on those routes.
  • Whereas, Air India also hired a lot of Manpower which they didn't need.
  • Cabin crew members have been trained rigorously. Giving the best service to their passengers has to be their priority, which was a bit missed. By which standards also got down.
  • The former executive director of Air India told problems to arise due to the management. After that management was also have been changed.
  • According to the government, millions have been spent on advertising from the pocket of Air India itself which they didn't want to.
  • Incompetent people of government make decisions that lack knowledge and motivation.

In 2017 government decides to privatize Air India. Coming to 31st March 2020 they accumulated losses of Rs 70,000 crore. The government is facing difficulties in selling Air India.

 But on 8th October 2021, they succeeded in selling Air India for Rs 18000 crore to TATA Group itself. It was an opportunity to celebrate that finally, Air India came back in hands of its previous owner itself. The rest time will tell whether Air India again rules in the skies like their previous days or not.

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